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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Yeshivas Lubavitch Toronto "Zall"

Yeshivas Lubavitch Toronto "Zall"


Rosh Yeshiva:
Rabbi Akiva Wagner

Mashpiah Shiur Alef:
Rabbi Aron Kamman

Mashpiah Shiur Bais:
Rabbi Avrohom Mann

Maggid-Shiur Nigleh Shiur Alef:
Rabbi Dovid Bisk and/or an Elterer Bochur, (with Rabbi Bisk giving an easier Shiur)

Maggid-Shiur Nigleh Shiur Bais:
Rabbi Akiva Wagner

Rabbi Mendel Plotkin

Hanholoh Gashmius:
Rabbi Nachman Perl

Bochurim: 70
The Yeshivah Zall, is composed of 2 Shiurim with a Mesivta in the upstairs of the building.

The Yeshiva is based in Toronto in a more Misnagdisher community, there are pro's and con's in this which will be listed below, the dorms are situated in houses thru-out the nearby streets, and there is a Mesivta in the upstairs of the building, with close connection between the Bochurim of Mesivta and Zall.

The Rosh Yeshivah, Rabbi Wagner, is very outgoing and close to the Bochurim, something which is unfortunately not the case with most Rosh Yeshiva's these days, (where Bochurim can be shy to approach them) and has a big Hashpoho on them.
He also has a deep understanding in Chassidus and is very dedicated, Farbrenging almost weekly.
There is also a Shiur Kllali in Nigleh by Rabbi Wagner every Thursday.

Below is an overview of the pro's and con's:

  • The Rosh Yeshiva is very out-going and comfortable to approach and talk to.
  • It is situated in the Misnagdish neighborhood, causing 1. The Bochurim to dress and act more appropriately, to make a "Kiddush Shem Lubavitch", as every Bochur should feel the need to do. 2. The Bochurim are not always running home or to other peoples /relatives houses.
  • There is a very good atmosphere in Yeshiva, which is caused in part by the Mesivta which is very strict and brings in a-lot of good younger Bochurim, who are generally more "Aidel".
  • It is a smaller Yeshivah, so you get more personified attention and also end up knowing all the Bochurim, unlike some other Yeshivas where you can end up not talking to half of them thru-out the year.
  • On a usual year, Rabbi Dovid Bisk gives an easier Shiur, which is very good for the Bochur that is not so advanced in, in-depth and general Gemoroh learning.
  • It is close to New York, so the Yeshiva goes in to Crown Heights for the Yomim Noirim and Yud Shevat.
  • Rabbi Wagner keeps a connection with his Bochurim way after they leave Yeshiva.
  • Very good Shluchim and Elterer Bochurim who Farbreng and learn with the Bochurim
  • The Lubavitch Balle Batim live quite far from Yeshiva, which takes away the opportunity to Farbreng with them, and consequently there are no "off Shabbosim".
  • Food is below average for a Yeshivah.
  • There is no air conditioning in the dorms
  • The Warmth and Hashpoh of Rabbi Wagner, takes away from the closeness and Hashpoh of the Mashpim to the Bocurim.
  • The Yediah of the Mashpiam in Chassidus is average for a Mashpia but their Koach Hasboroh is some-what lacking.

The bottom line:
A Bochur that enjoys the company of other chassidisher Bochurim, enjoys Farbrengens and also serious Learning, with a good Shiur in Nigleh, he can really gain there.

While as for a Bochur with a bigger intent on learning Chassidus and building a connection with a Mashpia, (as much as R' Wagner does, he is dealing with a whole Yeshiva and cannot always devote his time to singular Bochurim), although he could be succssesful in Toronto, it may be worth while to look into other options.

3055 Bathurst Street • Toronto, ON M6B-3B7 • Canada • 416-787-6631 Fax: 416-787-4237