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Monday, April 20, 2009


Every year bochurim and their parents spend so much time searching for the best yeshiva.
Our goal in this blog is to try and make it easier for you, to find and choose the right place, by sharing our experiences with you.

When looking for the proper yeshiva there are a few factors to keep in mind. Not all bochurim come away with the same 'report'. It is highly unlikely for two bochurim to have the same experience in any specific yeshiva. One may have his best year in learning and accomplish great things while the other may have a slow year.
The reason for this is: The majority of a bochur's success in yeshiva is not dependent on the yeshiva/mashpia, but on himself.

A bochur that is interested in succeding and having a good year can experience that in 99% of the yeshivas, but a bochur who is not interested may be the exact opposite.

So, our goal here is to acompany those bochurim who are looking for a good learning experience, find the Yeshiva and/or Mashpia that is best for them.


  1. great idea!!
    much success

  2. where is the yeshiva of greater miami i need the apps

  3. here u have the apps

  4. Also bear in mind that most Yeshiva's change from year to year.

  5. what about for a serious bochur that also needs extra carricular activities like sports and has never attended a chabad mosad before so is a beginner in chassidus but wants to learn and is intelligent.
